We specialize in applying the Principles of Permaculture to Small Businesses and Technology Startups.

  • Your creative mind has the ability to change the world. What are you dreaming of?

  • Let’s turn your dream into a reality. Take time to observe, prepare for the course ahead, and create a strong foundation with a holistic business plan.

  • Get to work. Plant the seeds of your idea and put your plan into practice. See it come to life.

  • Develop systems of feedback and regeneration to resiliently prosper. Obtain a yield, share, and grow on.

Business Planning

A business plan is your blueprint to success. We will make sure your endeavor starts off on the right foot with a thoughtfully crafted business plan that will endure the exciting road ahead.

Strategic Consulting

Do you have a tough decision to make? Integrating the opinion of an observant, neutral, and holistic third party can ensure the best outcome for your company.

Media & Content Planning

What you do is important. A well-planned media strategy will ensure that your seeds grow through the local or global audience that’s appropriate for your business.

Process Definition & Tuning

The right processes can be the difference between wasting a massive effort and obtaining a massive yield. We love an opportunity to either tune existing processes or define processes from scratch. Whether the process is outreach, internal communication, quarterly planning, etc. We’re here to help.

Creative Problem Solving

Have ideas and not sure where to start? Nagging pain points with seemingly no solution? We’re excited to apply our expertise and holistic solution approach to any problem. Book a consultation to find out what we can do for you.

Business Development

Product Management

We’ll guide your business through the process of ideation, design, development, release, and maintenance. Bring your ideas and you’re team and we’ll fill in the blanks.

Project Management

We will implement modern project management practices to ensure your projects ship on time and with high quality.

UX Design

Give us goals and requirements and we’ll return elegant and efficient designs to help serve your customer’s needs.

Architecture Design

We’ll design your software systems to meet your company’s goals that can be handed off to any engineering team for implementation.


Prototyping can help your business rapidly validate ideas to ensure you’re making the best business decision. We can produce digital prototypes that can scale to market-ready applications.

Application Development

Once you’re ready to build, we’ll be ready to roll up our sleeves and make your application a reality. Talented software engineers are standing by to support your project.

Software Development

Book a Consultation

We’re excited to learn about your project and how we can help.